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La Rioja registers a decrease in active cases

更多 发布于:2023-12-17 11:43
La Rioja has not registered this Monday, for the second consecutive day, deaths from coronavirus, according to the latest data updated by the regional government. Active cases continue to decrease from 191 to 185 (6 less).

In addition, this last weekend 39 new positive cases were recorded over the weekend, bringing the total to 27,592 since the start of the pandemic.

In this way, and following the same data, since the beginning of the pandemic, 730 people have died from coronavirus in our community. Of this number, 300 lived in a nursing home.
Regarding healthcare pressure, the San Email Marketing List Pedro de Logroño hospital has 33 people in hospital beds occupied by Covid-19 patients (with 4 admissions and no discharge in the last 24 hours), while the ICU has 20 Covid patients. (one less than yesterday).

Currently, and given the evolution of the virus in the region, the Rioja Government has 43 ICU beds in San Pedro. In this way, adding those admitted for Non-Covid pathologies (10 as of today) the Rioja ICU has a total of 30 patients and is at 69.77 percent.

For its part, the Calahorra Hospital Foundation has 10 people on the ward with Covid-19, with one discharge in the last 24 hours.

In relation to the accumulated incidence in the last fourteen days in La Rioja, it stands at 69.01 (compared to 73.16 yesterday), while, seven days later, the incidence stands at 39.97 (up from 42 .17 yesterday). Regarding positivity in La Rioja, it is at 4.51 (yesterday at 4.65 percent).

In addition, today a total of 5,062 people are in quarantine compared to 5,173 yesterday. Finally, the Riojan residences continue one more day without positives in any of the 33 senior centers in the community.
