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If you are interested in learning the marketing

更多 发布于:2023-12-12 19:20

 Growth, sales and CRM trends that are coming for 2023, you cannot miss the marketing webinar on Inbound Growth Hacks that we develop every month with renowned digital marketing specialists. To participate you just have to register at the digital event link . New call-to-action What skills are needed to have a holistic business vision? To understand business problems and opportunities, you must develop a series of skills that will allow you to have better sales performance and, of course, obtain better results. These are some of them: 1. Ability to evaluate and resolve You should be able to easily identify what factors influence business performance and how they affect the entire business picture. What does this mean? When a problem arises, you must identify its possible causes and what measures to take to solve them. For example, if your churn rate has suddenly increased, your first step should be to understand how this affects your team.

At the same time, you must be able to identify when this business trend started Special Data  and what its causes may be. Have they recently changed the pricing and service structure? Has your customer profile changed? Are the expectations created by your products not being met? Analyzes the situation and recommends measures to solve it. If you want to go further, you can identify and solve your company's challenges before they happen. 2. Long-term vision and discipline Do you want to differentiate yourself from others and perform better? Stop focusing on only meeting your goals per day. Identify your company's annual goal and align your strategy to achieve it . Start working to have a significant impact on the company and make yourself indispensable. One way to keep the long-term vision is to aim to read a minimum of three books a month about specialized sales; You can also find a more experienced mentor to expand your knowledge; or get a little closer to the leaders of your organization to better understand decision-making. You can also participate in a digital event where marketing hacks , strategies and best practices for Inbound Marketing, Inbound Sales are provided, and marketing and sales teams are also trained. Set your own goals along with a deadline and make sure you meet them.

Discipline is key to achieving great results. 3. Emotional intelligence Developing a holistic business vision is not just about meeting your needs, but about empathizing with the needs of your clients, your boss and your company. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes, understanding how they feel, will help you make better decisions that help them optimize their daily lives. Keep in mind that you must also be able to manage your emotions so that they do not have a negative impact on your work and allow you to develop positive relationships with the people around you. include-a-holistic-vision-in-your-sales-strategy-and-see-the-results-2-1 Try to learn about the work of the teams around you and how you could make their tasks easier. In this way you will learn to value the role they play in the company and you will better understand the decision-making process of some departments related to your prospects such as Marketing or Customer Service. If you want to start generating positive changes in your company and obtain exceptional results, start with yourself. Developing a much more complete business vision will strengthen your professional profile and help you become a modern sales leader. At Impulse we want to help you scale the growth of your business by optimizing your marketing, sales and customer service processes. Schedule a meeting with one of our advisors and ask about the growth & inbound marketing service.
