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This is a qualitative leap with unimaginable consequences

更多 发布于:2023-07-11 14:19
Social Media in the Metaverse Finally, let's get to the toughest topic: social media in the Metaverse. Let's say right away that Metaverse will be the largest and most comprehensive social network. What is certain, however, is that personal-specific social networks still exist, and in fact there may be many. According to experts in virtual social analysis a greater expansion of the Metaverse, and a reduction in the possible control of it by users, will correspond

 to an increase in the search for specific guidelines, The comfort zone, in which only elements of one's interest can be found. It's Job Function Email Database too bad to think about ditching social networks and platforms! They will certainly change, they will mutate, they will adapt; but they will probably be more important than they are today. For example, Facebook, or Instagram, or TikTok these years are nothing but small, undeveloped metaverses: this is their crisis. But when the Meta project is complete, the social network will once

again have a basic function: to direct the flow of Metaverse users, to combine them, to guide them. Social media will be the roadmap for the Metaverse, and as a result, marketers will pay more and more attention to social media. In the near future, companies will have to equip themselves with a very strong identity, which is their universal brand in the Metaverse. But from this point on, they will have to be able to conduct business in individual sectors such as rooms or virtual cities, which will be managed as specific social networks. This is probably the magic
